How to stop saying no

Have you ever tried to find any information on ‘how to stop saying no?’ There’s not a lot out there. Most of the information out there is about the exact opposite problem – 'how to stop saying yes to everything.' Cybersecurity departments often have a ‘No’ problem. Why? In my experience, we’re a suspicious and risk adverse group. Our knee jerk reaction is always to answer ‘No’. Always saying no creates adversity. When faced with constant adversity, people can suffer from tunnel vision, toxic stress, and rash decisions. HOW DO WE STOP SAYING NO? LISTEN TWICE AS MUCH AS YOU TALK People want to be heard People want to be understood People need to know that they're heard and understood When it’s time to talk, summarize what you’re hearing Ask open-ended questions to identify their pain Discover their why Why do they need it? What is the impact if approved? What is the impact if denied? RELATE TO THE STAKEHOLDERS Don’t fake it Feel their pain Empathy is a p...