My online phishing quiz is back

December was a busy month for me. How about you?

With all the busyness of the season, you might have missed my Phish or Friend Online Quiz Event.

What’s this Phish or Friend Online Quiz Event you ask?

It’s an online event that anyone can sign up for, and I’m sharing real life emails, and YOU have to decide if it’s a phish email from a bad guy, or legit. The faster you answer with the correct answer, the more points you get. It’s a great opportunity for you to get expert cybersecurity training that’s fun at an unbeatable price.

What you get...

🎣 Practice catching phishing emails in a safe and controlled environment

📝 Test your knowledge

✔️ See how your phish detection skills up against others

😈 Learn how fraudsters lure you in

👉 Receive a bonus tip sheet to help you spot that phish

Attend the Phish or Friend Quiz live on January 27 at 11 AM CT for only $12.99 per person.

Register Today

Some more notes for you:

  • Phish or friend won’t be back until the fall as an online event. Until then, you’ll have to book this as a private event for your business.
  • Do you know someone who's an entrepreneur or small business owner? Forward this email to them and give them the chance to practice their phishing skills.
  • The Phish or Friend Quiz isn't just for small businesses. It's for anyone and everyone who wants to practice catching phishing emails to stay safe online.


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