How do you use humor?

I’m a big fan of memes.

I’m a big fam of using humor to share information.

Using funny memes to share information = Priceless.

If you’ve been following me on social media for a while, you know I like to share a funny meme every Wednesday. Not only am I sharing a meme to make you laugh, I’m using humor to share a story and make it stick in your mind.  

3 more reasons I like to include humor in my social media posts.

  1. I want you to get to know me a little better. I’d like to think I’m pretty funny, so I want to share that part of my personality with you.
  2. I’m trying to get your attention. Who doesn’t love to stop the scroll for a great meme?
  3. I like to take calculated risks. I do this in my business and in my personal life as well.  Posting something funny is a calculated risk. You don’t always know how others will react.

Are you using humor in your social media posts?  

What about when you send emails to your list?

Send me a note and let me know how it’s working for you.  Is everyone is laughing along with you or is it a bust? I’m interested in knowing how it’s working for you.

Finally, head over to Instagram and check out yesterday’s funny post.


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