What you need to know about spoofing

Have you heard of spoofing?
It's common to see this word when discussing cyber-attacks. Hackers love to spoof email addresses, websites, and even phone numbers.

What is spoofing?
Spoofing is impersonating legitimate email addresses or websites to trick you into CLICKING.  Fraudsters want you to click on the link or open the attachment to give them the access or information they want.

Why they do it.
The fraudster has a much better chance of getting you to take action if he can trick you into believing that his email or website is the real deal. They are relying on your tendency to skim and not review closely. He wants you to click so he can steal your username and password, your information, your money, and more.
How it works.
Fraudsters easily spoof email addresses, websites, and domains by flipping a couple of letters around, using numbers instead of letters, or tricky domain naming.
Is spoofing a big deal?
 Yes.  Spoofing is a big deal, round 3.1 billion domain spoofing emails are sent daily.
Where do spoofed emails go?
When you have solid controls enabled, most spoofed emails will go to spam, junk, or promotions.  If you’re using a free e mail services such as Gmail will automatically direct spoofed emails for you, and it needs no action from you.
Can legitimate emails end up in spam?
Yes they can.  Cybersecurity protection systems aren’t perfect, and this can send some legitimate emails to spam.  Emails are sent to spam for a variety of reasons, but the #1 reason is having a case of email impersonator syndrome.
If spoofed emails are sent to spam why are you telling me all this?
Some spoofed emails will still be delivered to your inbox.  Cybersecurity systems can’t assume that everything is malicious until proven innocent, which means some spoofing emails don’t immediately meet the requirements to get to spam.  Some cyber criminals do a much better job at spoofing than others, and when those emails are perfectly crafted they may sneak by and end up in your inbox.
Do you have an email list?  Spoofing might be tanking your open rates.  Learn how by grabbing my complimentary guide at https://www.subscribepage.com/stop_email_impersonator_syndrome


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