What's ransomware been up to this summer?

I don't know about you, but to me, summer means fun in the sun, lazy days, and ice cream. Summer also means it's ransomware season . It seems cybercriminals look forward to this season as much as I look forward to ice cream. Have you been keeping up with what ransomware has been up to this summer? If not, here's what you missed... RANSOMWARE ATTACKS SINCE MAY 2021 "DarkSide ransomware being used to disrupt a major U.S. pipeline that transports almost half of all fuel consumed on the East Coast of the United States The claimed theft of 3 terabytes of sensitive data from part of the Asian operations of a global insurance subsidiary in attacks using Avaddon ransomware The shutting down of the IT systems of Ireland’s Health Service Executive — another victim of a DarkSide attack — disrupting patient care throughout the country The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) alerting of a spate of Conti ransomware attacks targeting American hea...